Every week, we’ll compile a list of relevant or interesting readings and guiding questions alongside design examples. These readings and examples cover what we’ve done in class and serve as a preview for the coming week. While optional, we strongly recommend you take a look at them!
Deep Dive into The Ideation Phase
By Michelle Ovalle
This article, by designer Michelle Ovalle goes in-depth on the ideation phase, and covers how to approach ideation, alongside some additional methods of ideation not covered in class.
Guiding Questions
What’s a brainstorming method NOT discussed in class that could be useful to generating ideas? Explain your reasoning.
Conduct the “Challenging Your Assumptions” task outlined about halfway through the article. What were some assumptions you made regarding your problem scope or target demographic? What are some challenges to said assumptions?
Figma Curriculum
By Figma
Want to learn more about Figma? Luckily, Figma has created a myriad of educational content to learn to use it! The linked page is a hub for content to learn and practice your Figma skills, for any skill level. Beginners and those pretty familiar with Figma alike can have lots to gain from this!